Thursday, July 7, 2011

After the Fall

Copy and paste of my elsewhere comments:

We are little boats floating toward a waterfall. Should we link up our boats? Should we paddle to the shore? Should we batten down the hatches? Should we relax and go along for the ride?

There is a lot of godpower up for grabs. Does it matter who gets it first? Is 50 years from now inevitable? We must act as if it isn't. We must decide what survives the fall, because something - a lot of things - are going away soon.

I will join you. I have to join someone. I'm scared. I'm hopeful. I am resolute.

Don't worry how this sounds to anyone. It has to be done. Call it a religion. If there were any time in the history of humans that the creation of new religion found itself necessary, this is it.

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