Monday, July 25, 2011

test post

this is a test to see if google has suspended my blogging priveleges.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

After the Fall

Copy and paste of my elsewhere comments:

We are little boats floating toward a waterfall. Should we link up our boats? Should we paddle to the shore? Should we batten down the hatches? Should we relax and go along for the ride?

There is a lot of godpower up for grabs. Does it matter who gets it first? Is 50 years from now inevitable? We must act as if it isn't. We must decide what survives the fall, because something - a lot of things - are going away soon.

I will join you. I have to join someone. I'm scared. I'm hopeful. I am resolute.

Don't worry how this sounds to anyone. It has to be done. Call it a religion. If there were any time in the history of humans that the creation of new religion found itself necessary, this is it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

google plus bleedthrough

Welcome to all my new g+ traffic. There has been a teeny uptick and maybe I will see more if I actually become a relevant thinker. My writing is shot - I have become accustomed to 140 characters which is something I think most relevant thoughts can fit into. But I can ramble in that with poorly constructed sentences and paragraphs.

I will try to straighten it out for you, dear reader.

Monday, June 27, 2011

One month later....

Okay so I'm sitting in Safeway, and I think, I haven't blogged in a long time, so maybe I'll go Blog... And here's what I see: Title: Sitting in Safeway What the hell? One month later and I'm still sitting here. Still no job, still no girlfriend, still on the motorcycle. I don't know what to do. If I'm still here on July 28th I'm going to drive my motorcycle off a cliff. Just kidding, but WTF? Make progress, Rabbit.

Monday, May 23, 2011

sitting in Safeway

I found a place where I could be on the internet 24 hours a day. Now I will never leave!!! Well, I'm getting pretty tired :-(

I guess to keep all my journals up to date I should share that Monika and I are no longer a couple. Yeah, if you are curious as to why you should ask me. I am thrown to the public and it seems that I am explaining things 5 times a day every day. I'm tired and it's almost 3 a.m. and I should go go to sleep. I know, I wrote "go" twice in a row. you can ask about that too, but I don't really feel like going into it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Euthanize a Rat

Okay, you love your rat and you want to save it from its painful and inevitable death. This happened to me with our pet rat, Mojo, who had a tumor which was a bigger than her and it was starting to rot. The vet wanted $100+ to give her a shot and send her off peacefully. Here is how to do it painlessly and cheap.

What you'll need:

1. A box (it can be open on top - the CO2 is heavier than air and will sit low in the box)
2. A bowl of warm water
3. a chunk of dry ice (I bought one for about $4 at the supermarket. You just have to ask the cashier, but apparently it's readily availabe. Dry Ice is pure, frozen CO2)

Say your goodbyes. Put the rat in the box with the bowl of water. Put the dry ice into the water. With Mojo, I just pet her ears and she licked me as she gradually got drowsy. After a few minutes she was asleep. I kept petting her for a while and made sure she was comfortable. It was very peaceful way for her to go.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

future #2

Effective omnipotence is acquired by a local set of humanity. They immediately shut out the rest of the race from significant technological advance and consolidate their own power. They will abolish worldly immortality but allow extended life after death in a virtual world of their design.

this is the future i see